Gambling has always been a great attraction to people. Those who like to play games of chance usually do not immediately become addicted. But some people play because they have significant financial losses or private problems. They hope to compensate for their problems by gambling and then keep gambling. Eventually, they lose control. They become more and more involved in the game, secretly gambling and inventing excuses to satisfy their surroundings. Finally, they make a compulsive attempt to recover their lost money – with fatal consequences.

Whether online slot games for real money, in gambling banks, on casino websites such as Play Amo Casino or land-based casinos just around the corner, gambling addiction can occur anywhere. It has nothing to do with the nature of gambling, but with the person who plays. Who is addicted to gambling, is referred to in medicine as a pathological or compulsive player, since the thoughts in daily life revolve solely around gambling and there is an intense urge to gamble.
Gambling addicts often invest a lot of money in the game, making debts, lying, stealing, cheating money, cheating and risking friends, work and family. They can no longer control their gambling behaviour and react irritated when they need to stop. Pathological players neglect their surroundings, restrict their leisure activities, withdraw and suffer from sleep disorders, irritability and nervousness. When withdrawn, they show symptoms similar to those of alcohol or drug addicts.
If you feel that you are addicted to gambling or are experiencing problematic gambling, you should contact a counselling centre first. This can be reached by phone or in person. Talking to experts is the first step. It can also help to address friends, relatives, or partners to tell them about addiction. In self-help groups, sufferers build contact with other addicted people and receive tips on how to deal with gambling addiction. Those who are strongly addicted to gambling can voluntarily go into outpatient rehabilitation and start cessation treatment or therapy there. Inpatient treatment in a specialist clinic is also possible.